Sunday, 13 February 2011

Tweets from 11-12 February 2011

A collection of tweets from Egyptian activists in the 24 hours following Mubarak's resignation.

11 Feb

marwame Marwa Elnaggar
Mubarak has STEPPED DOWN!

Khaled Said

monasosh monasosh
Shit! Ppl are going crazy, screaming and running, Mubarak jas stepped down

mosaaberizing Mosa'ab Elshamy

AymanM Ayman Mohyeldin

Ppl are screaming " long live the revolution" we finally got rid of him

RawyaRageh Rawya Rageh
I can't type.. Shaking.. Protesters euphoria indescribable. Mubarak is out.

mosaaberizing Mosa'ab Elshamy
Tears filling Tahrir!

mosaaberizing Mosa'ab Elshamy
It IS the decisive Friday. I'm only crying at the moment along with 2 million men in Tahrir.

Sharif Kouddous
Unbelievable!! He's gone! Scenes of jubilations in Tahrir. I will never forget this moment.

NadiaE Nadia El-Awady
streets crazy in heliopolis. Fireworks from balconies, honking cars, flags, chants, dancing

NoMoreDictators No More Dictators
from presidential palace: I am proud to be Egyptian. We are courageous & powerful. Thank God for our freedom.

RawyaRageh Rawya Rageh
Palace protesters heading to Tahrir. Chanting 'FREEDOM'.

monasosh monasosh
Today we fulfilled our promise to those who died

ElFoulio Abdel-Rahman Hussein
I can't believe it, astounded ... Let's remember those who paid their lives for this

NadiaE Nadia El-Awady
Hugged complete strangers. Making a pilgrimage from pres palace to tahrir with thousands

monaeltahawy Mona Eltahawy
Mabrouk [congratulations] Egypt! Yes! Courageous sisters & brothers wnbeautiful peaceful revolution ended a 30yr dictator. The regime next! Ecstatic!

Sharif Kouddous
Every street is filled with people cheering, celebrating, honking, dancing. Indescribable.

marwame Marwa Elnaggar
Mom is crying with joy!

Gsquare86 Gigi Ibrahim
I can't stop crying. I've never been more proud in my life

Marwa Elnaggar
Finally, I have a country.

NadiaE Nadia El-Awady
This is the happiest day of all of our lives! Egypt's birthday: January 25, 2011

Alaa Abd El Fattah
Celebrating with family couldn't be more happy or proud

I can't stop crying & laughing

RawyaRageh Rawya Rageh
My Egypt. A new Egypt. My world. A new world.

Ppl are chanting " Egypt is free, mubarak out" & " we r the youth of revolution" & " raise ur head, u r an Egyptian"

ElFoulio Abdel-Rahman Hussein
My whole life I waited for this, you did it, thank you jan25 now let's party

monasosh monasosh
Unbelievable the metro driver is cheering wt the horn, ppl are dancing & screaming in the metro station

We just scratched out "Mubarak" name from metro-stations map & replaced it wt " the martyrs"

Gsquare86 Gigi Ibrahim
Tahrir square is on fire out of happiness, pride, and celebration ..i wish you were all with me !

monasosh monasosh
We have to remember Khaledsaid [Khaled Said, young man beaten to death by police in an internet cafe in Alexandria in June 2010] and all those we lost in our battle

NadiaE Nadia El-Awady
I have cried my heart out today. So happy we stood our ground and didnt let our martyrs down

marwame Marwa Elnaggar
People in Tahrir now singing: We're all one hand, with one demand: Freedom! freedom!

ElFoulio Abdel-Rahman Hussein
Just saw a great sight at galaa square, baby lifted up in a circle of ppl chanting raise ur head ur egyptian, kid is all smiles

monasosh monasosh
We should go & celebrate infront of omraneya police station. They were famous for torturing ppl

Gigi Ibrahim
i am so looking forward to rebuilding Egypt without corruption or injustice.. I will give my country all i have, for Egypt i will rebuild!

marwame Marwa Elnaggar
Fireworks, dancing, singing, crying, laughing in the streets of Egypt.

Gsquare86 Gigi Ibrahim
Never give up on your principles even if the whole world is against you, that's what the revolution taught me

marwame Marwa Elnaggar
Now what do I do with all the Coke & Pepsi I bought to counter the tear-gas?

TamerELG Tamer El-Ghobashy
soldier, away from crowds, on cell phone, crying: "mom, i want to celebrate with the people."

monasosh monasosh
I'm in Tahrir square.This is where it all started on Jan25 when we declared our demands ppl thought we were mad. Look where madness got us

marwame Marwa Elnaggar
My mom's comment: "OMG, I've spent half my life under Mubarak's rule!"

TheElders The Elders
“Brothers & sisters of Egypt, you have given the world the most precious gift: the belief that ultimately right will prevail.” Desmond Tutu

Marwa Elnaggar
Now I understand what it feels like to have a country to call your own. To finally have a home.

People we will get free press. We fought for it, and we got it. NO RED LINES ANYMORE!

AymanM Ayman Mohyeldin
today witnessed the fall of one man from power and the empowerment of 80 million egyptians

marwame Marwa Elnaggar
victory means: No more dressing in a dozen layers (so if police/thugs tear off clothes, there's always another layer).

Shady Samir
Turned out that democracy is not ready for the Egyptian people, not the other way around

Arwa Mahmoud
So happy I can't sleep!

mosaaberizing Mosa'ab Elshamy
Don't forget the 300+ martyrs who sacrificed their lives for this moment to come true. The real heroes of

ghalyshafik Ghaly Shafik
hugged kissed people i don't know..and got drunk in korba and distributed beer for free -- revolution!!!

Ghonim Wael Ghonim
No more torture in Egypt.

Gigi Ibrahim
No more lies, no more contradi
ctions, no more dictatorship, I can't sleep realizing what we did

monasosh monasosh
Tomorrow 10am, we all go and help in cleaning tahrir square. Bring garbage bags, gloves and join us

Occupied Cairo
I am free, drunk, happy, optimistic but still remember those who died to make this day possible Wherever you are our love is with you

Mosa'ab Elshamy
Haha one of the protesters: "I'm afraid if I go to sleep, Mubarak will be back in the morning". 8 hrs later and the news hasn't sunk in yet.

Yesterday, we were all Tunisians. Today we are all Egyptians. Tomorrow we will all b: Syrians? Yemenis? Jordanians? Algerians? Palestinians?

Rawya Rageh
Oh man! Egyptians are not going to bed tonight.. & clearly neither am I! The streets r NOT clearing out @ all!!

Wael Ghonim
Dear Egyptians, Go back to your work on Sunday, work like never before and help Egypt become a developed country.

@Ghonim Why because mission accomplished again?! You trust Mubarak's generals with the transition to democracy? Dude, give us a break.

Mona Eltahawy
Thank you all for the virtual hugs and for crying in joy with me! Yalla Egypt!

Shady Samir
And again, before I go to sleep... RIP Khaled Said

Rawya Rageh
People in Egypt fully aware of magnitude of their achievement and how its inspirational effect will resonate across the region

Ooh for the 1st time in 18 days I will sleep while my mobile is on "silent" *sigh*

US pundits on TV saying Israel was not an issue in Jan25 protests r fools. Did u listen to the chants in Tahrir or saw the banners?

Gigi Ibrahim
I was honored today to finally meet and talk with Khaled Said's mom and uncle who were the proudest people, we cried, it was so moving

ThamerSalman Thamer Saeed Salman
This revolution is not only an Egyptian or Arab inspiration.This is a global event that will inspire the world at large

alaa Alaa Abd El Fattah
so privileged to be part of this moment, I doubt I'll live a day more profound. will never forgive myself for missing the first half

Gigi Ibrahim
The road to Jerusalem passes through Cairo, we are that much closer. Palestine you will always be the greatest battle of all

Karim Shata
Invite tourists to come back. It's safe, it's clean, cheap, and its in damn good mood.

Sarah El Sirgany
I'm dead tired, but can't sleep. In our new Egypt, sleeping sounds like wasting time. We should enjoy every moment of freedom.

12 Feb

Mosa'ab Elshamy
Good morning from the happiest place in the world.

Arwa Mahmoud
Woke up with the chants in my head: 'Mother Egypt, here are your children! For you they have endured!' Beautiful memory.

Mosa'ab Elshamy
I haven't seen my bed in SO long, it's gonna be one hell of an emotional reunion :)

Marwa Elnaggar
Today is the greatest birthday ever. I'm overwhelmed. I love you, free Egypt :)

Ghaly Shafik
Good morning free Egypt. Good morning free people

Mohamed Abdelfattah
A completely different morning. Liberty in the air. A new Egypt.

So...ehh..where is Omar Suleiman? :P

Marwa Elnaggar
I'm still waiting for the Egyptian police to apologize to us.

Arwa Mahmoud
I love Egypt. I love Egyptians. Egyptians are showing the world what it's like to be a peaceful revolutionary!

Wael Ghonim
Good morning, Egypt. I truly missed you in the past 30 years!

Nadia El-Awady
I am so proud of Egypt's youth. I am SO proud of them

Hossam عمو حسام
You gotta understand that whether Tahrir Sq occupation continues or not, the real fight is now in the factories.

Hossam عمو حسام
You might get fooled coz u ran out of steam already, but the workers have nothing to lose, and now they r out in full force.

The "Mission Accomplished" people on Twitter, u r gravely mistaken. By asking the people to trust Mubarak's generals u r digging our graves.

Mosa'ab Elshamy
Even though they've stopped dancing, everyone's still jubilant. I look into people's eyes and see freedom & dignity for the 1st time.

Thousands of Public Transport #egyworkers r now demonstrating in el-Gabal el-Ahmar in Nasr City.

3arabawy Hossam
The temporary workers in Helwan Steel Mills r now staging sit in, south of Cairo.

3arabawy Hossam
Around 5,000 #egyworkers in El-Hawamdiya Sugar Factory are now on strike.

I'm getting more industrial reports. Don't expect the blue collar workers to resume work like what the middle class activists r calling for.

Lara Aasem
I propose a Freedom Festival at Tahrir every year from Jan25 to Feb12!

This is nuts. Everyone is cleaning :)

Fady Elshenawy
Yes it happened , i saw 3 foreigners cleaning the square with the Egyptians, how great it looks

Arwa Mahmoud
Is Egypt the newborn child or am I the newborn child?

monasosh monasosh
Sun is shining on Tahrir square,everyone here is smiling and cleaning. Beautiful people of my country

shadihamid Shadi Hamid
Just met w- Brotherhood youth activist. Tells me Egyptian revolution could be historic event on par w- French revolution

hsyousef Hanan Youssef
Protests continue in factories and various cities...for them it was not about Mubarak but economic reform n' anti corruption measures

ghalyshafik Ghaly Shafik
In tahrir Sheikh christian priest and judge holding hands on stage me in tears

shadihamid Shadi Hamid
Amazing to watch in tahrir sq, ppl excited to rebuild their country. Everyone helping out, cleaning the streets

Shadi Hamid
I think we can start to speak of a new revolutionary spirit in Egypt

Arwa Mahmoud
When Egypt was born again Yesterday, we all became Newborn children.

Rowan El Shimi
I can hear my mom sing "Ya habibty ya masr" in the kitchen... It's a good day!

Sultan Al Qassemi
Veteran Egyptian writer Hamdi Qandeel "The Egyptian state media employees did not handle the revolution with professionalism"

Sharif Kouddous
Crowds of people cleaning up Kasr El Nile bridge leading into Tahrir. You[ng] people bussing in to help out

Sharif Kouddous
I bump into my cousin, Ismail Naguib, on Kasr El Nile bridge. He says: "the new weapon of choice is the broom"

Guys.. whoever is still coming to Tahrir, we need black n white paint and rollers! We're repainting and reconstructing pavements. Pls RT.

Sharif Kouddous
Incredible how many are coming in to clean Tahrir. People jubilant, hopeful. This revolution continues to amaze me.

Rouelshimi Rowan El Shimi
I move to change the name of the mubarak metro station to 25jan

Pixeledtweet Ahmed
''When was it that you realised this revolution will succeed?'' They asked him. ''The moment we underestimated our people'' he replied

SultanAlQassemi Sultan Al Qassemi
Hats off to Egyptians, Al Jazeera is showing images of doctors, university students & civilians from all walks of life cleaning the streets.

Arwa Mahmoud
Entering tahrir and cheering with the broom!

Abdelrahman Hassan
It is literally a challenge to find more dust to sweep in tahrir now.

Abdelrahman Hassan
I am not exaggerating when I say the asphalt in tahrir is SQUEAKY CLEAN. Smells of disenfectant too!

hsyousef Hanan Youssef
Pls don't be over joyed that u miss supporting workers still protesting and striking for fair rights

Ayman Mohyeldin
Volunteers in my neighborhood with brooms and garbage bags cleaning streets

Nadia El-Awady
I can't stop shedding tears. The tears won't stop. Tears for those who died mainly. And tears of happiness and hope of new beginnings

Nadia El-Awady
Scene I wont forget from yesterday: young man who camped in Tahrir was ill with cold & no sleep for 3 nights fainted when Mubarak resigned

NadiaE Nadia El-Awady
Do y'all think it's all right to add "toppled a dictator" to my CV? Shows I can work in teams, I'm a perfectionist, and get the job done.

monaeltahawy Mona Eltahawy
To friends planning revolutions, some advice offered in humility & w love: very few people will have any faith in you. To hell with them.

sonofselassie wise
algeria got their ticket for the freedom train we will all be with you until we arrive at #FreeAlgeria

Rouelshimi Rowan El Shimi
Egyptians are cleaning the streets as if they are washing mubarak and his regime off the streets!

monasosh monasosh
army kept old gov & didn't enforce their choice.we shd propose alternative gov,if army doesn't endorse this then we go back 2 tahrir

melbakry Mohamad Elbakry
Congratulation to all Egyptians, the end of a rotten era

etharkamal Ethar El-Katatney
They're actually repainting the pavements in tahrir. I am SO proud of my fellow countrymen right now!

I can never, and will Never forget those who died for us. Their blood was too high a cost. May they rest in peace.

Rouelshimi Rowan El Shimi
Dear world, now egypt is cleaning the past and rebuilding its future. It's time to stand by algeria! Viva la revolucion!

3arabawy Hossam عمو حسام
Oil #egyworkers to strike tomorrow, calling for impeaching Minister Sameh Fahmy, halting gas exports to Israel

monasosh monasosh
Sun is shining Egypt is free

shadysamir Shady Samir
Never saw Egyptians act so inclusive like they did today in Tahrir cleaning or celebrating

Gsquare86 Gigi Ibrahim
Thousands are still celebrating in Tahrir and cleaning up

Cer Mohamed A. Hamama
The cleaning campaign is in all downtown streets not only Tahrir..

RaniaShaaban RaniaMostafaShaaban
If cleaning with soap and dettol isn't enough, they are repainting the pavements now! Yes, Egyptians are the best! +ve energy everywhere :D

forsoothsayer forsoothsayer
Mood in tahrir not that happy. Anger at military's 4th communique. "Nothing has changed".

RawyaRageh Rawya Rageh
Traffic insane in downtown Cairo but DOZENS of volunteers help regulat flow

RawyaRageh Rawya Rageh
Some volunteers regulating traffic wearing Tshirts reading 'Today, I was (re)born'

Marwa Elnaggar
The famous lions of Qasr El-Nil Bridge were scrubbed till they shone. Cleaning Tahrir.

ghalyshafik Ghaly Shafik
OK i must be getting crazy. Just came back from Tahrir. I can't stay away from it. I am going now again!

etharkamal Ethar El-Katatney
Fireworks in front of the burnt down NDP headquarters!

Mosa'ab Elshamy
I told the BBC last night that celebrations in Tahrir will take place all night. I was wrong. 24 hours later and they haven't stopped.

Gigi Ibrahim
Tahrir square gained us Mubarak to step down, now the real resistance starts in factories, universities, towns, & streets ..level 2

Wael Khalil
someone asked me of my concerns over the coming period, I said: none, the Egyptian People will take a good care of the future

Rawya Rageh
Just walked past father trying to get his 5yrold 2 pronounce 'Jan25 Revolution'

Jan25voices Jan25 Voices
LPC: People in Tahrir singing: 'we want a civilian state'

mosaaberizing Mosa'ab Elshamy
I told the BBC last night that celebrations in Tahrir will take place all night. I was wrong. 24 hours later and they haven't stopped.

Ghaly Shafik
Tahrir now: concerts, fireworks, hundreds of thousands. Never seen egypt like this before

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